Cats rule the world. And in this New Yorker apartment for a couple and their three cats they reign from a higher place. The architects ViaARCHITECTURE have developed a cat – walking – system leading through the whole apartment and connecting all rooms. It is like a gallery with cat-doors inbetween the rooms. Over the broad corridor to the living-dining area with kitchen is a panorama point for the cats from where they can control most of the apartment and check out what happens in their Kingdom. The shelves of the cat – walking system have been painted with a non-slip paint to assume secure footing.
Three stairs are leading up to the passage – system and one is situated in the bedroom. Beside the bed there is a shelf-system for an easy walk-up or quick jump down directly into the bed. The upper shelf is a bit broader to provide a comfortable place with nice views over the bedroom and through the window.
Let us accompany one of the cats on its way through the apartment: From the bedroom we stroll through one of the passages through the wall into the office – room. Here is the entrance to the cat-toilette which is hidden behind a door with catflap.
Next stop is at the entrance area of the apartment. Here we find the second access to the passage system, several shelves combined like a staircase for climbing up to the cat-walk or to bring the Furries back down to earth and to welcome any visitor.
The heart of the passage – system is above the corridor in front of the living-dining area. Having a view up it looks like a dropped ceiling which is part of the cat – walk system. Here is sufficient space to laze around and observe what happens “downtown” at the “Piazza” and to slag the tourists.
In one corner of the living-area viaARCHITECTURE have created a very special closet with integrated stairs to access the passage – system. On top of the closet is enough space to lounge around and check out the living-dining-room and the open kitchen.
Beside the closet is the entrance to the cat – dining-room. Of course, the cats do not really appreciate to eat together with the staff. They prefer to stay among themselves in their private dining room. Well, the space is tiled – so imagine the parties.
This unique apartment is not just a cat´s paradise but a beautiful home for the Hooman with spacy living-dining area and open kitchen and some nice individual elements. If you like to have more information about the “human” side of the place, please do not hesitate to contact the architects:
Design: Frederick Biehle and Erika Hinrichs viaARCHITECTURE with Anna Sawicka
Photos: Thomas Allen, The Monument
Renderings: Anna Oldakowski